
Best practice tips

When it comes to design, there are a few basic rules that should be followed. Button design sometimes looks pretty simple, but it goes hand in hand with many apparently small factors that the designer must consider. Here are some guidelines to follow when designing buttons.

Usage of buttons

The principle shows how the eye moves along an orientation axis from left to right until
it reaches the lower right corner. Design elements that lie along the diagonal receive the most attention. Elements that lie outside the diagonal receive less attention.
The optimal placement of buttons follows the
Gutenberg principle. You should place your buttons at the end of the user’s scan path when they are ready to perform an action.


Buttons are used when you are performing an action, such as: "submit", "create new", "upload", etc.

A button is a fundamental UI element that greatly influences your interaction design. Buttons have the power to force users to convert to perform an action. Buttons are there to keep the conversation going between humans and machines.

The size of your button is particularly important for mobile designs. Making a button too big will lead to a visually charged screen, while a button that is too small cannot be clicked on by a normal finger.
MIT’s Touch Lab published a study back in 2003 that found most fingertips to be 8 – 10mm wide.

The right size

When designing buttons, make sure that the wording is correct, so that it is easy to understand what action is involved here.


Make sure your buttons look clickable and the user instinctively knows that the action works. avoid grey tones as these buttons always look inactive, as well as shapes that no one else uses for buttons.

Make it look clickable

Whenever a user interacts with a button, it should change state to let the user know that something is happening as a consequence of their actions.

Active – interactive and enabled

Secondary – secondary in terms of priority

Hover – curser above an interactive element

Disabled – currently noninteractive

Process – in progress of completing the action

Button states

While reading content, an user eye movement starts from top left corner and ends at bottom right, which is finishing part of the content.

Gutenberg Principle

Most users start scanning the content from the top left corner and end at the bottom right. When the content ends they look for a call to action. Since they end at the bottom right, it’s better to have a call to action at the bottom.

Top vs bottom

If the primary action is on the left, it works against reader gravity, but if we place the primary action on the right, users take action more quickly because the button is where readers first see it, followed by the secondary action.

Primary action 1.0

If the primary action is at the bottom, the user can get to it faster by just scanning down.
However, if we place the primary action above the secondary button, the user has to scan down and then up again to tap it.

Primary action 2.0

Accessibility of the buttons is also very important.
For visually impaired people it is important to
check the contrast of the text and the color of the button. With the help of tools this can be easily tested

Gutenberg principle

We open a web page and expect to find the button immediately. No user has ever liked looking for
a button to press. Place the button where the user would expect to find it and design it clearly.

Easy to find